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Engagement Fellows:

Oct- Nov 2022


Mbale, Uganda

I am passionate about community development work

I enjoy my leisure time getting to know how to serve my community better.

I am interested in learning more about solving community social problems.

I hope that through CE Africa I am to better understand community dynamics when it comes to solving.



 Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

I am passionate about knowledge sharing that benefits the most venerable groups

I enjoy my leisure time with my family

I am interested in social learning methods and approaches

I hope that through CE Africa I am to create partnerships through communities of practice and to collaborative learning and co-designing approaches




I am passionate about empowering communities to develop forward thinking mindset.

I enjoy my leisure time watching documentaries

I am interested in managing politics in the social development context


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Khartoum, Sudan

I am passionate about public health, policies and development

I enjoy spending my leisure time in reading, volunteering and learning new skills

I I am interested in learning more about community involvement in order to achieve development goals

I expect to expand my knowledge about solving challenges in my community, also to share my experience and network with my peers from different African countries.



Namanve - Mukono - Uganda

Tell a Story Foundation

I am passionate about using storytelling as a tool for social impact

I enjoy spending my leisure time in communities, visiting children's homes, and listening to people's stories.

I am interested in learning more about community storytelling

 I hope to gain a wider understanding of community engagement and the role it plays in bringing about change. I also hope to network with different people from different communities



I am passionate about impacting change in our society through empowering the girl-child

 I enjoy domestic travelling to know about my country. I also enjoy learning and building better collaborations.

I am interested about how to cope with challenges while building lasting partnerships and also getting ideas on how to create betterment for the girl-child within this competitive society.

 CEF :Africa is a good initiative that includes people from diverse countries. With great passion for the girl-child i expect to learn more about lasting collaborations , how to build and also to empower me on how I could use the design clinics in my country to provide solutions for the girls to live better without being left out in this competitive world.



Tell a Story Foundation

I am passionate  about positive change in communities with good health and wellness.

I enjoy spending my leisure time in activities that impact life, encompassing, sharing stories of impact, medical camps, fitness and wellness.

I am interested in learning more about community empowerment and engagement, leadership and business development.

My expectations from CEF are basically enriching young people with skills that will enable them tell and create stories, activities and initiatives that bring about positive chnage communities. Leadership skills. Business partnerships

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Kampala, Uganda 

Raise all African Children Foundation

I am passionate about transforming Children’s lives for a better tomorrow.

I enjoy spending my leisure while writing out my mind and research about Children’s human rights and opportunities

I am interested in learning more about Children’s rights and engagements in the community

My expectations are that from sharing our minds and experiences, we’ll possibly come up with better solutions on how best we can change lives of young children and the youth too. I hope for more partnerships


Uganda, Wakiso

I am passionate about community transformation

I enjoy my leisure time baking

I am interested in community development

I hope to learn and Re-Learn the different community empowerment channels for better growth


Kasese, Uganda


I am passionate about changing my community positively through creating community based learning experiences and networking for social impact and Justice

I enjoy spending my leisure by interacting nature such as visiting natural sites, Nature walks and watching football

I am interested in learning about using traditional knowledge to conserve biodiversity and also civic engagement and participation

I hope that through CE Africa: Climate change and human rights. Using human rights approach to take climate action and adaptation

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Kampala, Uganda 

Rotaract Club of Kampala South

I am passionate about serving unprivileged communities to improve on their well being through medical outreaches, community empowerment, funding some projects within my reach with basic education and sanitation

I enjoy my leisure time listening to gospel music, traveling, watching series, learning new skills , listening to podcasts, attending fellowships and mentorship through Rotary programs .

I am interested in learning more about entrepreneurships/investments, dealing with unwelcoming and hostile communities, how best can I engage a community in terms of investments

I hope that CE Africa empowers us with better engagement skills for communities. To support us in a reasonable way to help other communities. Knowledge empowerment


Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

University of Calgary

I am passionate about waste management, African women, sustainability

I enjoy my leisure time running long distances-marathons, half marathon.

I am interested in learning more about community based development.

I hope that through CE Africa I am able to learn best practices.



Knowledge Transfer Africa Private Limited

I am passionate about learning and changing lives through knowledge exchange.

I enjoy my leisure time reading and listening.

I am interested in learning more about cross-cultural collaboration.

I hope to  meet like-minded people and learn more about the purpose of CEF.mpowerment


Cotonou, Benin

The Movement for Community-Led Development/ the Hunger Project

 I am passionate about network building and partnerships for co-creation purpose

I enjoy my leisure time reading and traveling

I am interested in learning more about growth mindset experiences

My hope/expectations : 1- CEF Africa supports the trend of progress in decolonializing knowledge and practices toward the resilience for communities. 2-CEF Africa supports the trend of progress in transforming the food system in Africa toward food sovereignty.

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Parakou, Benin Republic

Prolinnova Bénin & University of Parakou, Benin Republic

I am passionate about engaging farmer and pastoralist communities in mutual learning, jointly experimenting with local innovations and co-developing sustainable solutions for sustainable livelihoods.

I enjoy spending my leisure traveling in rural areas, following nomadic herds of Fulani pastoralist communities and interacting with rural women's groups.

I am interested in learning more about community development, the most effective strategies to engage communities in dialogue and the search for sustainable solutions for their daily challenges, especially in agro-pastoral development, food systems and agri-preneurship.

I want to strengthen my networking, learn from the experiences of other fellows and share my own experiences. I want to learn more about how to engage women from highly patriarchal farming and pastoralist communities in gender-responsive community development. I want to learn about transformational community leadership and civil action for behavior change and sustainable development.


Doha, Qatar

I am passionate about this opportunity.

I enjoy my leisure time with the people I love.

I am interested in learning more about my surroundings

I hope to learn how CEF is intervening in community activities.


Kampala, Uganda

Building Tomorrow

I am passionate about evaluation.

I enjoy my leisure time playing football,

I am interested in learning more about what others think.

I hope that through CE Africa I am able to learn more from experienced people.


Addis Ababa ,Ethiopia

Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA)

I am passionate about learning community engagement.

I enjoy my leisure time reading different novels.

I am interested in learning more about different cultural contexts

I hope that through CE Africa I am able to learn about community engagement. I would also like to learn about the different contexts and challenges of evolving community in program process.


Chacha, Ethiopia

I am passionate about rural development.

I enjoy my leisure time reading books.

I am interested in learning more about MELR (Monitoring, evaluation, learning, and reporting) & community engagement fundamentals.

I expect more about MELR (Monitoring, evaluation, learning, and reporting). Community engagement principles and fundamentals.

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Enhanced Rural Self Help Association (ERSHA) (Addis Abeba , Ethiopia)

Operation and Management Manager

I am passionate about attending the course and promote community led development that my organization is working and promoting by working on rural communities.

I enjoy my leisure time on reading about right based rural development agendas

I am interested in learning more about community led development techniques to assist my work.

I hope that through CE Africa I am able  to gain knowledge about community led development. Share experience on CLD to better address more beneficiaries.

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Kasese, Uganda

MCLD Uganda Chapter

I am passionate about farming, climate justice and leading from the grassroots.

I enjoy my leisure time doing physical exercises, spending time with children, and doing some community work, for example visiting the underprivileged

I am interested in learning more about community-led participatory monitoring, mainstreaming community aspirations in organizational strategic plans, risk management for community-led projects.

I hope to collaborate and network with like minded organization, learn new approaches to transforming remote communities, sharing our work with fellows.


Pretoria, South Africa

Khulumani Support Group

I am passionate about social learning for building the civic competence of communities linked to our national movement of community activists standing for truth and social justice

I enjoy my leisure time engaging with the movement for the healing of collective trauma

I am interested in learning more about the application of social learning to community involvement in local problem-solving for addressing community needs provided for in our Bill of Rights

I hope to learn from activists engaged with communities from other regions of our continent about how they have designed social learning programs to address challenges faced by the communities with which they work. To share experiences of the programs Khulumani has designed towards learning exchanges. To learn about recording the impacts of these efforts from other fellows.


Kampala, Uganda

I am passionate about enhanced community transformation, through strategies that can eradicate poverty in families and youths.

I enjoy my leisure time trying to learn about how best societies think, and how best to benchmark on that, to create a more sustainable living.

I am interested in learning more about societies and lifestyles

I hope that CE Africa give us a concrete approach to tacking the moral and behaviours of women and youth, as a response to gender based violence due to extreme financial behaviours in societies, and lack of innovation.

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Kampala, Uganda

Movement for Community Led Development Uganda and Global

I am passionate about empowering/facilitating communities to take charge of their transformation and development.

I enjoy my leisure time understanding and appreciating community dynamics and celebrating the diversity that comes with it.

I am interested in learning more about the diverse approaches or methodologies that enhance community engagements, stories of best community engagement practices

 I hope that through CE Africa I am able to learn from the diverse experiences in community engagements and how community led development can be integrated into organizational strategies. Different models of community engagement.


Kampala, Uganda

I am passionate about changing the lives of many.

I enjoy my leisure time having fun.

I am interested in learning more about geographical information Systems.

I hope for more exposure into how problems are solved in various countries. Learning different skills from a number of people.

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I am passionate about knowledge.

I enjoy my leisure time reading.

I am interested in learning more about culture.

I hope to learn a lot. 

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Mwamba Development Agency

I am passionate about helping rural people realize their dreams 

I enjoy my leisure time reading.

I am interested in learning more about innovative approaches in transforming disadvantaged people.

I'm new here and i want to learn more about community development changes and different approaches in addressing them in fight against poverty.


Kampala, Uganda

I am passionate about transforming humanity.

I enjoy my leisure time helping people become better versions of themselves.

I am interested in learning more about creativity.

I hope to interact with people from diverse communities Learning new ideas on how to transform my communities back in Africa


Monrovia, Liberia

I am passionate about helping communities to achieve their desired development agenda

I enjoy my leisure time engaging with the improvement of communities in achieving their desired outcome for what they have planned to do

I am interested in learning more about ways and means that communities can sustain their intended development, especially, financial sustainability.

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Monrovia City, Liberia

JBJ Memorial Educational and Humanitarian Foundation

I am passionate about community empowerment and education

I enjoy my leisure time learning new things that better the lifespan of my community

I am interested in learning more about How these different ways impact my community and parts adjacent.

I hope to have an in depth understanding of how my actions impact my community. How these actions mitigate the challenges my community face. I also hope to network with like minds for collaboration and concerted efforts to coexist.



I am passionate about community health.

I enjoy my leisure time reading.

I am interested in learning more about community health.

I expect to built capacity , skills and knowledge in community health



International University of Management

I am passionate about community development and engagement

I enjoy my leisure time on reading and catching up with friends

I am interested in learning more about community engagement.

My hope is this will feed into my other interest which is knowledge management for community development

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Abuja, Nigeria

Food and Agriculture Organization

I am passionate about development in communities and internationally.

I enjoy spending my leisure learning new things and researching self-development opportunities.

I am interested in learning about community engagement and development

I hope to gain knowledge about building communities and meeting interesting individuals from various development fields.

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Paynesville, Liberia

Women Solidarity and Development

I am passionate about deepening my understanding in community engagement. 

I enjoy my leisure time with fellows like you to always brighten up my knowledge.

I am interested in learning more about new ways to work with the various community group.

I hope to gain a new worth of knowledge in engaging communities at all levels.


Uganda, Kampala

I am passionate about adventuring.

I enjoy my leisure time hanging out with friends. 

I am interested in learning more about business skills

I hope to learn to be a better person. 


Lusaka, Zambia


I am passionate about community based development and engagements.

I enjoy my leisure time reading and watching progressive videos.

I am interested in learning more about MCLD.

I expect to expand my knowledge in networking, self-awareness and how to make proper implementation plans for the benefit of communities.

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The Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT

I am passionate about development, communication, and nature

I enjoy my leisure time working out, taking drives, writing.

I am interested in learning more about how to make the African community better


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I am passionate about building healthier and more equitable communities through creative and collaborative communication and knowledge management approaches.

I enjoy spending my leisure time reading, spending time with family and friends and taking long walks.

I am interested in learning more about communities of practice and social learning leadership

I hope to learn about how to successfully implement community engagement projects. I hope to meet new people, network, share my knowledge and learn from them.

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Self Help Africa

I am passionate about Community Led Initiatives for poverty alleviation

I enjoy my leisure time on activities that enrich my family life

I am interested in learning more about partnerships for Community Led Initiatives

Sharing of experiences and lessons from development practitioners.




I am passionate about work and finishing my studies.

I enjoy my leisure time with family and friends.

I am interested in learning more about fashion.

I hope that CE Africa provides togetherness.


Kampala Uganda

I am passionate about learning new skills

I am interested in learning more about my community.

I hope that CE Africa provides us skills, development, awareness, and creation


Kampala, Uganda

I am passionate about education.

I enjoy my leisure time reading novels.

I am interested in learning more about child protection and safe guarding



Implicit Effect

I am passionate about solving issues that effect youth women and children

I enjoy my leisure time impacting children especially through play

I am interested in learning more about innovative ways to conduct community engagement

I hope for fundraising for community engagement and novel ways of community engagement


Monrovia Liberia

MCLD Liberia Chapter

I am interested and passionate to attend this program.

I enjoy my leisure time with you all. 

I am interested in learning more about the social learning program for Africa

I hope that CE Africa is interactive and motivational.


Akure, Nigeria

I am passionate about economic development.

I enjoy my leisure time networking.

I am interested in learning more about CEF.

I hope that CE Africa empowers us to gain more understanding on partnership



Women Initiative for Sustainable Environment (WISE)

I am passionate about environmental sustainability, natural resource stewarding and climate justice.

I enjoy my leisure time interacting with nature and thinking through the next progressive idea that will nurture and support biodiversity

I am interested in learning more about how to best build a community fueled movement of environmental and climate justice actors
I look forward to learning more about community engagement strategies and building associated alliances. I very much look forward to also being a good ambassador of CEF Africa though the learnings and application of the learnings.



Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT

I am passionate about sharing knowledge

I enjoy my leisure time travelling

I am interested in learning more about knowing my audience finding out their needs

I hope that CE Africa teaches us about packaging communication needs for effective engagement and drawing the audience in.

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Lagos, Nigeria

Nova Diamond Foundation

I am passionate about building self-sufficient families within the low-income communities through entrepreneurship programmes

I enjoy my leisure time networking, cooking and Watching movies

I am interested in learning more about community engagement, community impact measurement

I hope CE Africa provides etworking, Mentorship, Collaborations, Class group activities that will enable us learn from different real life experiences


Cairo, Egypt and London, UK

Al Watany Eye Hospital - Cairo

I am passionate about prevention of blindness.

I enjoy my leisure time reading.

I am interested in learning more about networking , advocacy and how to form groups of people with same objectives

I hope that CE Africa empowers us to learn how to network and also to network with people in Africa who have similar interests to mine.


Monrovia- Liberia

I am passionate about community development.

I enjoy my leisure time volunteering

I am interested in learning more about community engagement and development

I hope to connect and share my skills and expertise with other professionals, in finding lasting solutions to peace and development across Africa and the world at large.


Kasese - Uganda

Hemtog Foundation Uganda 

I am passionate about working with Community members (locals) trying in their own means to solve problems through innovative strategies.

I enjoy my leisure time sharing lived experience stories and the impact of community transformation.

I am interested in learning more about Organization Development and Resource mobilization

I hope to learn more about community mobilization, organizing and building.
Local resource mobilization strategy and allies
Strengthening Network across the global village.
Joint actions and project implementation


Cape Town, South Africa


I am passionate about knowledge brokering and facilitating change processes

I enjoy my leisure time hiking, cooking, and singing, in nature

I am interested in learning more about collaboration and change-making processes with African colleagues

I hope that we learn together about networking, learning about interesting work other fellows are doing in Africa (to possibly collaborate), understanding how others face similar challenges in the knowledge brokering/ change-making processes, seeing what skills we need to be effective knowledge and process brokers - with an eye to possibly collaborate further in creating a training process for African stakeholders involved in climate issues on the continent



Initiative for Rural Development Organization Sierra Leone

I am passionate about women and youths empowerment to build more resilient communities that are sustainable and address the needs of all its members devoid of class, race, region or affiliation.

I enjoy my leisure time in supporting less privilege communities and caring for children.

I am interested in learning more about strategic youth and community engagement, realistic development models and leadership.

I hope that my participation in the program will increase my skills, knowledge and competencies joining a diverse group of global emerging leaders with tools necessary to make the world a better place for all.

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SCOLF Children’s Foundation

I am passionate about giving back to society and helping vulnerable children

I enjoy my leisure time hanging out with friends

I am interested in learning more about mental health and children’s rights

I hope to learn more about programming and planning ideas for community outreaches Also being able to meet like minded individuals that have the love of helping vulnerable communities


Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

I am passionate about community engagement

I enjoy my leisure time living, working and innovating with community

I am interested in learning more about how to better use the indigenous knowledge of community to the current global challenge of climate impact and development agendas

I hope that CE Africa supports well coordinated development work that brings the community as frontline leading and making decision to help the larger community move forward instead of spinning in the same place as it is the current case of Humanitarian work. Empower, from idea to solutions!



Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA)

I am passionate about learning, relearning, and unlearning

I enjoy my leisure time playing and watching football

 I am interested in learning more about the best practices of engaging with communities with measurable impact

I'm looking forward to learning some of the techniques of raising resources both domestically and in others sources to facilitate my communities with the best (knowledge, materials etc.) Secondly i believe i will be able to connect with my fellows for strategic partnerships

Béranger Tossou, President _ CEO YOUTH SERVICE AFRICA - YSA , Active member of MCLD Benin



I am passionate about Social, Community Engagement

I enjoy my leisure time co-creation with communities

I am interested in learning more about Community-Led Development




I am passionate about leadership and development

I enjoy spending my leisure time reading a book and watching a movie.

I am interested in learning more about leadership and community development

I hope to be able to meet and talk to individuals that will mentor me and push me in the right direction that am very much interested in and that is leadership



Kintampo Health Research Centre

I am passionate about ensure data is of best quality to facilitate data analysis much easier

I enjoy spending my leisure time searching and watching documentaries on new technologies and how they could be implemented to solving real life problems.

I am interested in learning more about new technologies that will aid in managing data more efficiently like python and R and refine knowledge on handling research more effectively.

I look forward to learn and impact my community and country with what I will be learning.

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Benin Calavi

I am passionate about, the sex education the youngest, economy, management

I enjoy spending my leisure to read, learn more about many topics of live

 I am interested in learning more about how it works 

I hope that CE Africa increases my knowledge

Our programming takes place on the ancestral homelands of the Coast Salish Peoples, who have lived in the Salish Sea basin, throughout the San Juan Islands and the North Cascades watershed, from time immemorial. We express our deepest respect and gratitude for our indigenous neighbors, particularly the Lummi Nation and Nooksack Tribe, for their enduring care and protection of our shared lands and waterways.

(For more information: WWU Tribal Relations)

WWU Center for Community Learning

Professional photo credit Jessie Bloss Photography


©2022 Community Engagement Fellows

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