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The Learning Together Training sessions focus on poignant issues and key skill-sets of our time. 


Dedicated peer practitioners from the Community Engagement Fellows Coalition facilitate these interactive social learning spaces as part of our commitment to knowledge democracy and public service. Be ready to learn something new and share your wisdom and experiences!


Sessions are 75 minutes on Zoom, and are free and open to all. 


Stay tuned for future Learning Together Training offerings.


Click on the button below to view session descriptions, or scroll to the bottom of the page.

Learning Together Trainings
Timely Ideas. Caring Practitioners.  Learning Together.

February- March 2022


Alice Fong

Center for Ethical Leadership



Ariane Hoy

Bonner Foundation



Arthur Tartee Jr.

Bonner Foundation



Brian Davenport

Eastern Washington University



Calleen Herbert,

North Carolina Central University



Christina Kisskeys

Whiteswan Environmental



Free Borsey

Whiteswan Environmental



Jessie Bloss

Spring Church



Joshua Porter

Western Washington University



Katrina Carabba

Whatcom County Library System



Kelsey Martin

Whitman College



Laurel Hammond

Western Washington University



Lindsey MacDonald

Western Washington University



Liz Brandt

Bonner Foundation



Maia Heffernan

Western Washington University



Mellissa Jessen-Hiser

Fresno State University



Michael Cox

Whatcom County Library System



Mahtahsie (Tonya Teton)

Whiteswan Environmental



Mona Gonzalez

Mid Columbia Libraries



Nang-Sk'ataas (Joseph Hillaire Jr.)

Whiteswan Environmental



Natalie Baloy

Western Washington University



Nathaniel Kidd

Whatcom Love Inc.



Nicole Kendrick

University of Puget Sound



Rachayita Shah

Bonner Foundation



Renee Houston

University of Puget Sound and Level Up Pro Consulting



Rissi Zimmermann

Imagining America So. California



Ron Marks

Unity Care NW and Marks Development Consulting



Rozzell Medina

Oregon Humanities &

Portland EcoFilm Festival at the Hollywood Theatre



Sadie Olsen

Whiteswan Environmental



Shirley Williams

Whiteswan Environmental



Sophia Jackson

Whiteswan Environmental



Travis Tennessen

Western Washington University



All times listed as Pacific Time (UTC-8 )


Tuesday, February 1


9:00-10:15: Exploring How Our Values Drive our Actions


10:30-11:45: Becoming a System Convener


1:30-2:45: Making Space for Diverse Faith Perspectives



Wednesday, February 2


9:00-10:15: Building a Foundation to Co-create a Beloved Community


10:30-11:45: Elements of Healthy Partnerships


12:00-1:15: Advancing Racial Justice in Higher Education and Beyond


1:30-2:45: Bringing Our Vibrancy to Social Movements



Thursday, February 3


9:00-10:15: Cultivating Teams to Serve Diverse Public


10:30-11:45: Integrating Permaculture Principles in Learning               


12:00-1:15:Advancing Racial Justice in Higher Education and Beyond

1:30-2:45: Acknowledging Land and History 


Friday, February 4


1:00-2:15: Fostering Culturally Safe Spaces



Tuesday, February 8


9:00-10:15: Exploring How Our Values Drive our Actions


10:30-11:45: Building a Community of Practice 


12:00-1:15: Navigating Transformation through Focusing on Strengths and Opportunities



Wednesday, February 9


12:00-1:15: Being a Good Guest and Host


1:30-2:45: Bringing Our Vibrancy to Social Movements



Thursday, February 10


10:30-11:45: Elements of Healthy Partnership


1:30-2:45: Producing and Assessing Value in Learning Communities


Tuesday, February 15


10:30-11:45: Organizing a Social Learning Event



Wednesday, February 16


10:30-11:45: Inspiring New Behaviors on a Changing Planet


1:30-2:45: Infusing Equity into Meetings



Thursday, February 17


10:30-11:45: Acknowledging Land and History 


1:30-2:45: Reimagining the Workplace During Times of Change



Tuesday, February 22


10:30-11:45: Building a Community of Practice 


3:00-4:15: Listening as an Inclusive Practice 



Wednesday, February 23


1:30-2:45: Centering Social Learning in Organizations 



Thursday, February 24


12:00-1:15: Being a Good Guest and Host

1:30-2:45: Infusing Equity into Meetings


Tuesday, March 1


9:00-10:15: Building a Foundation to Co-create a Beloved Community


10:30-11:45: Becoming a System Convener


3:00-4:15: Find the Others: Innovating within Large Organizations 



Wednesday, March 2


9:00-10:15 Putting Ideas into Action

1:30-2:45: Navigating Transformation through Focusing on Strengths and Opportunities


Thursday, March 3


12:00-1:15: Making Space for Diverse Faith Perspectives


1:30-2:45: Producing and Assessing Value in Learning Communities


3:00-4:15: Bringing Our Vibrancy to Social Movements



Tuesday, March 8


10:30-11:45: Integrating Permaculture Principles in Learning Communities 


Wednesday, March 9


12:00-1:15: Using Design Clinics to Mobilize Collective Wisdom


1:30-2:45: Cultivating Teams to Serve Diverse Public



Thursday, March 10


9:00-10:15: Developing Resiliency through Civil Discourse


12:00-1:15: Using Design Clinics to Mobilize Collective Wisdom


1:30-2:45: Organizing a Social Learning Event


3:00-4:15: Reimagining the Workplace During Times of Change



Friday, March 11

1:00-2:15: Fostering Culturally Safe Spaces



Acknowledging Land and History

Facilitators: Natalie Baloy and Kelsey Martin


How do we acknowledge lands and territories in our institutions, our work, and our practice as educators? Through a combination of critical reflection, somatic exercise, narrative sharing, and action planning, participants in this workshop will explore our various positions and responsibilities to the land on which we live and work and the communities around us.

Being a Good Guest and Host

Facilitators: Natalie Baloy and Katrina Carabba


In our homes, classrooms and organizations how do we play the role of guest and host?  How do our cultural backgrounds inform how we show up in shared spaces?  Join us for a conversation on practices of intentional and transformative hosting and "guesting" to support connection, belonging, and care. 

Building a Foundation to Co-create a Beloved Community

Facilitator: Alice Fong


How do we build a foundation for a beloved community? One strategy is to look from within. Creating an equitable and just society that is grounded by values-based leadership on behalf of the common good for all. Choose to lead and critique the status quo not because it sounds good, because our values tell us to. 

Developing Resiliency Through Civil Discourse

Facilitators: Calleen Herbert and Joshua Porter


Curious  to experiment with a facilitation model that creates space for hearing differing perspectives? In this workshop we will explore Living Room Conversations as a model to engage intergenerational learning. Our conversation will address questions about how we develop resiliency through connecting across divides. 

Find the Others: Innovating in Large Organizations

Facilitators: Renee Houston and Ron Marks


This workshop will help you consider how the change you’d like to see in your organization is possible by enrolling others as partners. We will explore how to map your organization for potential stakeholders, use questions to refine your change vision, identify informal influencers and understand institutional power dynamics, and build community to cultivate the change you're seeking.

 Inspiring New Behaviors on a Changing Planet

Facilitator:  Lindsey MacDonald and Maia Heffernan


How do we integrate the most life giving and impactful sustainability behaviors into our personal and professional lives? In this workshop, we will use Project Drawdown, a climate solutions tool, as well as the collective wisdom of the group to connect sustainability interests with tangible action. We will consider both individual behavior and systems level change.

Making Space for Diverse Faith Perspectives

Facilitator:  Nathaniel Kidd


How do we invite participants in a pluralistic learning community to name and involve their religious backgrounds, commitments, identities and experiences in a way that is constructive for our shared learning objectives? In this workshop, participants will explore methods for effectively evoking faith voices in learning ventures by naming the opportunities and challenges associated with making explicit space for faith, reflecting on the situatedness of their own formation and commitments in reference to the religious identity of others, and engaging Dale Canon's "Ways of Being Religious" as orientations towards the learning journey that can be named and cultivated within a community of practice.

Organizing a Social Learning Event

Facilitator: Travis Tennessen


 How do you efficiently and effectively build a social learning event? In this training, we will discuss the important steps in creating a stand-alone social learning event, including how to manage the event information using Google Suite tools.

Using Design Clinics to Mobilize Collective Wisdom

Facilitator:  Laurel Hammond​


Hoping to help yourself and your colleagues move forward effectively with workplace challenges, and learn more about each other’s work? In this training, we will discuss how design clinics - a 30-minute protocol for workshopping a design challenge--can help enhance your collaborative work.

Advancing Racial Justice in Higher Education and Beyond

Facilitators: Liz Brandt, Rachayita Shah, Ariane Hoy, Arthur Tartee Jr.


How can higher education institutions and beyond work to advance racial justice in their local communities? In this training, we will discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives across higher education, including sharing inspiring examples from ten schools in the Bonner Network that participated in the Bonner Racial Justice Initiative. These student-led projects strengthened campus-community collaborations to address health disparities, food justice, voter education, oral histories, and more. We will discuss the current status of racial justice efforts on your campus or in your local community, how you engage diverse stakeholders (students, staff, faculty, partners, and others) in the process, and share examples and strategies of how we can be involved in advancing racial justice.

Bringing Our Vibrancy to Social Movements

Facilitator: Rozzell Medina


There are countless books, articles, and other accounts that define and explain to us what social movements are. And while there is a lot to learn from the past, it shouldn't come at the expense of the needs, challenges, and abundance in the living moment. Does the mold that contains our predetermined understanding of what social movement is, whom it's for, why, how, etc. sometimes constrain our possibilities? What happens when we combine what is known with what has yet to be imagined? In our time together, we'll explore ways of bringing our imaginations towards a new understanding of social movement that is rooted in creativity, perspective, intuition, vibrancy, and even joy. 

Centering Social Learning in Organizations


Facilitators: Renee Houston and Nicole Kendrick


Social learning calls us to creatively engage others in ways that create space for all participants' knowledge and experiences to be included; it calls upon everyone to be teachers and learners at the same time. Join us consider how you might craft social learning opportunities in your programs, meetings, and classrooms. 


With social learning at the center of your collaborative efforts, people can show up with enthusiasm, participate fully, and experience their life-work as a whole person.

Elements of Healthy Partnerships


Facilitator: Brian Davenport


 Hoping to build stronger learning partnerships within and beyond your organization? In this training, we will discuss elements of healthy, mutually enhancing organizational partnerships, and also review questions that new or emergent partners should ask each other to get things off to a promising start.

Integrating Permaculture Principles in Learning Communities

Facilitators:  Rissi Zimmermann and Travis Tennessen


Permaculture principles guide us to design systems in which members enhance the energy and possibilities of those around them. How can we best do that in the human learning communities that we craft and facilitate? Let's explore together. 

Infusing Equity into Meetings

Facilitator: Travis Tennessen


Hoping to structure your meetings so that everyone feels heard and shares the air more equitably? In this training, we’ll discuss how to include social learning techniques, which foster relationship-building and shared understanding among those with different perspectives and backgrounds, effectively in your meetings.

Navigating Transformation through Focusing on Strengths and Opportunities

Facilitator: Nicole Kendrick 


Looking to reinvigorate and strengthen groups to which you belong? Using the "community of practice" concept as a guide, this session will help you create a culture of belonging and stronger communication.

Producing and Assessing Value in Learning Communities

Facilitator: Travis Tennessen


How do you know whether the meetings you facilitate are valuable to the participants? In this training, we will discuss how you can use Wenger-Trayner and De Laat’s “Value-Creation Framework” to assess the impact of your work, produce more value for participants, and help participants articulate their own “value stories” that show the impact that you’re having.

Becoming a System Convener

Facilitator: Travis Tennessen


Hoping to create new spaces for learning and relationship-building across units in your organization, and with other organizations? In this training, we’ll explore the concept of system convening, a form of leadership that breaks down traditional barriers within and between organizations, and begin envisioning how you could infuse elements of this leadership style into your work.

Building a Community of Practice

Facilitators: Brian Davenport and Travis Tennessen


Hoping to connect with others who share your passions and interests, and create new ways for you all to learn together? In this training, we’ll discuss the concept of a “community of practice” and explore ways that you can use this type of learning community to improve your work and build a stronger support network.

Cultivating Teams to Serve a Diverse Public

Facilitators: Michael Cox and Mona Gonzalez


Inspiring great conversations to cultivate teams better prepared to serve many types of diversity in communities. Review hiring practices, develop affinity groups, and identify knowledge gaps while acknowledging every individual is on their own journey towards better understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Exploring How Our Values Drive Our Actions


Facilitators: Jessie Bloss and
Mellissa Jessen-Hiser



 How do we use our values to pay attention to who we are becoming on the way to where we’re going? Join us in an exploration where we will discuss identifying our values: the “why” (why we do what we do), the “what” (our priorities), and the “how” (translating those values into action). Through stories, conversation, and reflection we’ll collectively discover how our values drive our actions.

Fostering Culturally Safe Spaces

Facilitators: Sadie Olsen, Shirley Williams, Christina Kisskeys, Sophia Jackson, Mahtahsie (Tonya Teton), Free Borsey, Nang-Sk'ataas (Joseph Hillaire Jr.), Travis Tennessen


This session will introduce "cultural safety" from the perspective of Indigenous youth leaders, revealing what it looks and feels like, as well as how to work toward achieving it. Participants will take further steps on their own life-long journeys of self-reflection and learning about the experiences of others, particularly those who have been marginalized and traumatized, so that we can work to clear a path for healing.

Listening as an Inclusive Practice

Facilitators: Renee Houston and Kelsey Martin


 Where do we get stuck in our team meeting or in meetings with community partners and other stakeholders? Distractions abound, right? How do we turn toward connecting with intention and attention? In this workshop we’ll explore a value-based listening approach with communication practices that support inclusion, inquiry and connection

Reimagining the Workplace During Times of Change

Facilitators: Katrina Carabba and Mellissa Jessen-Hiser


 How do we leverage times of change to rethink our work and our relationships with our team and community partners? How can we use these hard times as an opportunity to challenge the systems we have in place? Join us for an interactive conversation where we will create space to imagine together.

Putting Ideas into Action

Facilitators: Renee Houston and Kelsey Martin


Attending workshops and learning new ways of connecting, being and thinking about our work is energizing. Then, we return to our work brimming with excitement ready to implement all the things, but where do we start? How can we be supported when we’re trying something new? How do we set a goal that leads to a sustained effort and the outcomes we hope for? Join us to co-create a set of tools to put all your new ideas into an action plan with a community who’s ready to offer support and celebrate your wins.

For accommodations, please contact Travis Tennessen at
One week advance notice is appreciated.

Our programming takes place on the ancestral homelands of the Coast Salish Peoples, who have lived in the Salish Sea basin, throughout the San Juan Islands and the North Cascades watershed, from time immemorial. We express our deepest respect and gratitude for our indigenous neighbors, particularly the Lummi Nation and Nooksack Tribe, for their enduring care and protection of our shared lands and waterways.

(For more information: WWU Tribal Relations)

WWU Center for Community Learning

Professional photo credit Jessie Bloss Photography


©2022 Community Engagement Fellows

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