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This is your Students in Community informational page. It will be updated with training opportunities and links also sent out through email.  Check back often to discover new events and opportunities that can be added as work hours. 

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 Common Threads Farm Volunteer Schedule and Orientation material

Emily Hie is the main contact for Common Threads Farm.

Common Threads Office location:

801 W. Orchard Drive (Suite 2)

I've compiled some  2024-2025 onboarding resources, contact information and schedule.  for all of you to look through as you're able, and I've listed your weekly availability at the top as well so that we can easily reference what's current for you. Please take a look at the logistics document for the club that you've been assigned to, as well as the education and behavior management resources that will inform you on how to interact safely and professionally with the students we serve.


Common Threads Farm Volunteer Application and Orientation material 

You will all need to complete the volunteer application process through the Bellingham school district here: Volunteer Application. Once completed, BPS will notify you of the results within a 

few days. If approved, please forward your approval email to once you receive it.  


Check out the get involved tab on our website!

BAAY EduArts

BAAY EduArts is looking for assistants for our Winter session, and I wanted to share this opportunity with you in case you're interested in more hours. Please reach out to 

This Winter, we are looking for assistants for the following classes:

If you're interested in assisting with either class or would like more details, please let me know! Thank you for your time, and I appreciate your collaboration.

Attend CE Fellows Cohorts 

CE Cohorts have started but if you would like to attend please reach out to Laurel and we would love to have you! 

CE Fellows @ Options High School

Includes high school students from OHS

Wednesdays 12:15 pm-1:45 pm

Meeting Dates: 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19


CE Fellows @ Explorations Academy

Includes high school students from EA

Tuesdays 10:00 am-11:30 pm

Meeting Dates: 1/14, 1/28, 2/04, 2/11, 2/18

* No meeting on 1/21​

CE Fellows @ Explorations Academy

Includes middle school students from EA

Thursday 9:45 am-11:00 am

Meeting Dates: 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/06, 2/13

The Longest Table
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025

4:30-6:30 p.m.

This is an awesome event- See the information below that was in WesternToday. Save the date to attend Wednesday, Feb. 12 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the VU Multipurpose Room. 

If you are interested in becoming a "table captain" please reach out to Gina Ebbeling, to RSVP by Jan. 17. 


If interested in being a Table Captain, please attend the Table Captain training Jan. 21 from 4-5 p.m. in the Basic Needs Hub in VU 420. Zoom option available. 

To RSVP to the event, go to

The campus community is invited to join Western's first annual "Longest Table" celebration from 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12 in the VU Multipurpose Room. 

This free event is being held to connect, create community, eat, and have fun! 

The Longest Table began in New York City in 2022 in response to COVID and the feeling of isolation. The idea was bringing people together in community and eating a meal together.  Picture a street in a neighborhood with the longest table imaginable, filled with neighbors, sitting down together to share a meal and conversation. Currently, The Longest Table is happening all around the world!  

This will be the first Longest Table celebration ever at Western, and is being hosted by a group of staff from the Basic Needs Hub, Counselling and Wellness, Community Relations, and The Center for Community Learning. The organizers would love to have students, staff, and faculty attend, and, if interested, volunteer as Table Captains. The meal will be provided at no cost. Picture long tables, twinkle lights and all your friends gathered for this special event!

If interested in being a Table Captain, please attend the Table Captain training Jan. 21 from 4-5 p.m. in the Basic Needs Hub in VU 420. Zoom option available. Contact Gina Ebbeling, to RSVP by Jan. 17. To RSVP to the event, go to

Update your resume and LinkedIn to include your Students in Community work.
**Send your updated resume/LinkedIn profile to me!**


Here is a video recording of Common Threads Farm Resume and  Cover letter training 

Here are the slides that go along with it. 

Check out the Food Educator position description that is actually linked in this training to practice with already, but the link to it is also here as well.


 Include key words in your resume! 

Here is my LinkedIn profile. Connect with me!

 Career Services Center
(Complete any of these events or trainings for additional hours.)

Complete a career services training or review the career services resources for additional hours. We will continue to build out our resumes and practice identifying transferable skills.

Get a Food Handlers card to help with Food prep at Common Threads Farm

The authorized online training program is Cost :$10 - please connect with me to cover the cost. 

Please review the Students in Community Work Study plan for 2023-2024 members

Students in Community work study plan 

Whatcom Museum Free First Friday
First Friday of every month
12:00 pm- 9:00pm

Whatcom Museum will have free admission, extended hours until 9 p.m. and special, free programming! Each month, we’ll bring a different mix of artists, performers, and experts to lead workshops and activities for all ages.

View our local history, fine art, and Indigenous cultures exhibitions in the Lightcatcher and Old City Hall (don’t forget the birds!), visit the Family Interactive Gallery for special crafts and programs for children, and check out the calendar below to see the incredible events we’re lining up.

Center for Cross Cultural Resources: Resilience/Wellbeing at WWU Workshop

A WWU wellbeing/relilience workshop. Would you like to develop resiliency workshops? Contact

Join Food Truck Help Needed! 

 Food Truck Help Needed!
Common Threads Farm is looking for support with their food truck events. If you’re interested, please check out the opportunities below and reach out directly to Carly Simpson ( Be sure to CC me on your email so I know Carly is getting the help she needs.

These opportunities are great for one-time volunteering or for those seeking more hours. Weekend shifts are also available!

Volunteer Opportunities:

  1. Saturday, February 8th

    • Task: Serving lunch at NSEA

    • Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

    • Location: Meet at either the Common Threads Farm office or The Kitchen (details below).

  2. Saturday, February 15th

    • Task: Serving lunch from the food truck at Mt. Baker High School for the Health Equity Zone project

    • Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

    • Location: Meet at either the office or The Kitchen.

  3. Mondays (anytime)

    • Task: Preparing food at The Kitchen

    • Time: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

    • Location Options:

      • Meet at The Kitchen (2185 Alpine Way), or meet at the office (801 W Orchard Dr) and drive over with the team.

  4. Tuesdays (afternoons)

    • Task: Serving meals at Villa Santa Fe

    • Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM

    • Location Options:

      • Meet at The Kitchen around 2:00 PM and drive over with the team, or meet directly at Villa Santa Fe (804 W Bakerview Rd) by 2:50 PM.

  5. Wednesdays (afternoons)

    • Task: Serving meals at Trailview Apartments

    • Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

    • Location Options:

      • Meet at The Kitchen around 3:00 PM and drive over with the team, or meet directly at Trailview Apartments (2412 Rimland Dr) by 3:50 PM.

Boater Safety Certification- online FREE

The BoatUS Foundation's Online Course is the only FREE Online Boating Safety Course approved by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission.

Bellingham, WA is on the water and whether you plan to go kayaking, sailing, or maybe checking out Lakewood the WWU student-centric watersports facility -a boater safety course is a must. You’ll learn how to handle changing tides, unpredictable weather, and emergencies like a pro while making sure you meet Washington’s legal requirements for operating a boat.

Earn hours while earning this certificate. 

WWU Career and Internship Fairs

All Industries Career and Internship Fair

Thursday, January 30th, 2025 | Noon-4p.m. | Wade King Recreation Center | MAC Gym

All majors and class levels are encouraged to attend. Alumni and the public are welcome. Meet employers who are hiring for internships and jobs. Bring a copy of your

Resume and be ready for professional networking.

Event information and registration available on Handshake.


Environmental, Sustainability and Energy Career and Internship Fair

Sponsored by the College of the Environment

Thursday, February 6th, 2025 | 4 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. | Wade King Recreation Center | MAC Gym

Great opportunity to meet with employers who are hiring for volunteer opportunities, internships, and jobs.

Event information and registration available on Handshake.

WWU Merriman Financial Literacy Program

Empowering our community through financial literacy at WWU.

1. Attend events!

2.Enroll in and get paid through the Students in Community program for the free iGrad program.

3. Meet with a WWU Financial Aid Peer Mentor

Stay Connected- Students in Communtiy meeting

Stay tuned! I am out of the office January 17th to January 26th. We will schedule a gathering after that. 

Complete the Winter schedule survey

Please take a moment to fill out your winter quarter schedule:  

🗓️ Winter Quarter Schedule 🗓️ 


This will help me find times to host Students in Community events. 

Bellingham School District Volunteer Application
Complete ASAP

All Student in Community members are required to complete the online application which includes a disclosure statement, review of policies and procedures, and picture identification. This information is used to perform a background check through Washington State Patrol, a requirement for all district volunteers.

When volunteer applications have been processed, applicants receive an email confirmation upon approval.  The process can take up to one week from the time the application is completed.  Approved volunteer status is valid for two academic years.


Continue to update both the Google Timesheet and the WWU Web4U timesheet tracker after each workday.

Please make sure to document on your timesheet 30 minute lunch breaks at least every 5 hours. 

Our programming takes place on the ancestral homelands of the Coast Salish Peoples, who have lived in the Salish Sea basin, throughout the San Juan Islands and the North Cascades watershed, from time immemorial. We express our deepest respect and gratitude for our indigenous neighbors, particularly the Lummi Nation and Nooksack Tribe, for their enduring care and protection of our shared lands and waterways.

(For more information: WWU Tribal Relations)

WWU Center for Community Learning

Professional photo credit Jessie Bloss Photography

©2022 Community Engagement Fellows

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