Our Documents
Ways to Engage Infographic
This helps us think about the choices that we have in designing a community engagement project. Many projects start with the characteristics in the left column, but projects that endure and are most likely to have a positive impact reflect the right column. Which will you choose?
Click on the file to download, or view as a web page.
Key Definitions
It helps to have a shared understanding of the terms we use, so we've put together a list of key definitions associated with academy-community relationships. Please help this document improve by suggesting terms that you've come across in your work.
Click on the file to download, or view as a web page.
Meeting Locations
Our community partners often find it easier to meet downtown than on our campuses. We've put together this handy document that lists places in downtown Bellingham where you can hold meetings for groups ranging from 3 to more than 80 people. Please suggest additions!
Click on the file to download, or view as a web page.
Going Forward Together
Elements of Healthy Campus-Community Partnerships
Maintaining healthy campus-community partnerships is a challenge. This document will help keep you and your partners on the right track.
Click on the file to download, or view as a web page.
CEF Partnership List
This is a list of individuals or organizations that Community Engagement Fellows are currently, actively collaborating with in a variety of capacities. The goal of this list is to reveal potential partnerships within the program, support new opportunities to collaborate, or discover shared partnerships that already exist.
Click on the file to download, or view as a web page.